

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:07:01北京青年报社官方账号



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"For instance, those who pretend to be judicial officials and make random calls to cheat residents have become old hat," he said. "Now, swindlers have increased the success rate of fraud by stealing people's private information to more accurately target their victims."


"For resettlement compensation, about 20 billion yuan ( billion) has been paid via a blockchain payment system in Xiong'an New Area," Chen said, adding the efficiency was increased by more than 80 percent.


"For us, Alibaba remains the largest share asset," Son said.


"For example, an X-ray machine in a hospital can be used more than 100 times a day, and the fees charged for using it can cover the purchase cost in about three to four years," Zhang said. However, the computed tomography scanning machine Zhang bought for his clinic, which cost 2 million yuan (0,969), is only used about 15 times on a busy day.


"Foreign guests come here to learn more about our traditions and our history," said Mukhtarov.


